Proceeds support youth in Lottery, Jamaica
Proceeds support youth in Lottery, Jamaica
Surprise Bonus: A fun and heart-warming video for you to enjoy: DJ Pryor and son having a talk
In Pathways to Vibrant Health and Well-Being, published in 2014, I wrote as “Chia Cheri” about a "miracle" I experienced starting the year before. I had been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer of the lungs, (also in the uterus and liver) with less than a 10% chance to live for five years. I made many lifestyle changes and in less than four months the cancer cells were undetectable. I was feeling more energetic than ever and compassionately compelled to share how it seemed that this miracle was co-created!
Thankfully in this journey I keep learning from thrivers who have experienced "miracles" in their lives as well. I invite dialogue with others about how we're making this way of living more common – starting with tossing the negative-sounding die-t that is so detrimental to many, and replacing it with nature’s wholesome bounty that we gave a positive name Live-it for a disEase-free joyful experience.
We are challenged by what can seem to be stressful, unfair, and even unbearable assaults to our ability to live in joy and gratitude. I believe that we are here on Earth to Live Life Fulltime in vibrant health, happiness, and abundance. Each of us is as unique as a snowflake making a mark on the world, with our minds and desires expanding the possibilities, with our bodies designed for well-being and healing, and with our souls powered by love.
I encourage you to request my free e-books on healing cancer in 3 months that includes the chapter above) and "Silent Spring: Uncovering the Illusions We Thought Were Real and The Reality We Thought Was Impossible" that includes in-depth information on vaccines and healing us and the world.
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